Big Brother Alumni, Britney Haynes Speaks About Her Baby Tillys Cancer And Asks for Donations

Big Brother alumni Britney Haynes is seeking donations from anyone willing to give money to an important cause. Britneys two-month-old daughter, Tilly Haynes, is battling cancer. Although Britney is willing to describe her ordeal, she doesnt go into too much detail but rather asks everyone for any donations they would be willing to spare.

Big Brother Alumni, Britney Haynes Speaks About Her Baby’s Cancer And Asks for Donations

Big Brother alumni Britney Haynes is seeking donations from anyone willing to give money to an important cause. Britney’s two-month-old daughter, Tilly Haynes, is battling cancer. Although Britney is willing to describe her ordeal, she doesn’t go into too much detail but rather asks everyone for any donations they would be willing to spare.

She explains in a blog post, “My little girl was 7 weeks and 1 day old when we rushed her to the emergency room…. We found out at 4am on Labor Day that she had cancer. It was shocking to say the least. Cancer hadn’t been a consideration, not even a worse-case scenario… I had never really felt helpless. I had never really known what it was like to cry. That was the first time that I learned what those things really felt like.”

She adds, “Tilly started chemotherapy within 26 hours of being diagnosed. She had biopsysurgery the following day and recovered from both like a champion! After 2 1/2 weeks we got to spend a few days at home before we went back for her 2nd round of chemo. She is still on the mend from that now but is doing well. I am so proud of her.”

If you want to donate to Britney and Tilly, you can visit her website, and you can donate under the ‘gift’ section. She doesn’t specify whether the gift section is for medical expenses, toys for Tilly, or school and education expenses. I assume it’s probably just toys and medical expenses, but it’s definitely for a good cause. Helping one child in need is infinitely better than spending money on a new outfit, right?

Will you guys be donating? And what other charities and foundations would you suggest giving donations to? Let us know in the comments.

