Henry Cavill uses vivid imagery to describe the discomfort of filming sex scenes

Beardy Henry Cavill covers the September issue of Mens Health UK. Hes promoting The Man from UNCLE, which I dont know if it will be a hit or what. I hope for Henrys sake that it does okay at the box office. I was reading through the interview at Cavills fansite and I was struck


Beardy Henry Cavill covers the September issue of Men’s Health UK. He’s promoting The Man from UNCLE, which… I don’t know if it will be a hit or what. I hope for Henry’s sake that it does okay at the box office. I was reading through the interview at Cavill’s fansite and I was struck with a sense of déjà vu – is this an old interview, or does Henry merely repeat the same stories over and over? Considering the way it’s written – with multiple discussions of UNCLE, Justice League, etc, I’m assuming it’s new or newish. Hm… some of the quotes might have been from a Men’s Fitness cover he had a few months ago, but we didn’t cover that, so it’s still new to me. So here are some new-sounding quotes about what it’s like to film sex scenes. Some highlights:

His default eating habits: “I like fish and chips, I like pies, I like Guinness. I see guys stuck in this cycle of eating chicken and broccoli, or so called ‘clean eating’. This eventually limits the amount of energy they can give during training. Today I might go to Nando’s for some chicken and sweet potato, or Wagamama and get a broth. Just be smart: don’t eat rubbish.”

He’s an admitted wanker: “I wanted to do right by everyone and follow the rules. Pretty boring, actually! This is probably why I was so unpopular at school, because I was clearly such a wanker.” He corrects himself for American readers. “Sorry: such a douchebag.”

Sex scenes are uncomfortable: “You don’t think of sex scenes as showing your bum to the nation. It’s actually acutely uncomfortable being naked in a roomful of people. The very last thing it is is sexy. The actual physicality is very uncomfortable. All you’re doing is smacking your nuts against someone, and nothing is going in.”

Whether he’s ever been aroused during a sex scene: “It’s only happened to me once and it was very embarrassing. A girl had to be on top of me, she had spectacular breasts, and I hadn’t rearranged my—stuff into a harmless position. She’s basically rubbing herself all over me and, um, it got a bit hard. I had to apologize profusely afterward. It’s not great when you’re in a professional acting environment and somebody gets a boner, is it? No, not acceptable.”

American dating versus British dating: “American dating is like carpet bombing. You date 16 women all at once and eventually one of them is supposed to pop out of the crowd? I can’t do that. I’m 32 years old. I do want to find a wife and raise a family. I prefer the British way: get talking and see what happens, one at a time.”

Whether he would ever say yes to James Bond: “The Bond people are wonderful, and I’d like to work with them. But it depends on whether they want me to do it, and there’s a time factor. Superman movies take a full year out, and if The Man From UNCLE becomes a franchise… I’m not too sure where I could fit Bond in.”

[From Cavill’s fansite, Express]

He certainly has a way with words, doesn’t he? And imagery. Now all I can think about is a soft smacking sound of… mm. Hm. Um. Where was I? Oh, right. I’ll say it – I usually don’t care that much about Cavill, but I liked him in this interview, whenever it was done. I think his media/celebrity problem might be that he IS legitimately a nice guy, somewhat vanilla and not all that controversial. He’s probably more interesting/sexy/compelling in person.


Photos courtesy of Men’s Health UK.

