Lily James believes sucking on pennies helped her fool a Breathalyzer

If I wasnt told that this is Lily James on the cover of Town & Country, I never would have guessed. I said before that she looks SO different as a brunette. Most of us got used to seeing her a blonde (or blondish) on Downton Abbey and the live-action Cinderella, but she is a

March 2016 Cover

If I wasn’t told that this is Lily James on the cover of Town & Country, I never would have guessed. I said before that she looks SO different as a brunette. Most of us got used to seeing her a blonde (or blondish) on Downton Abbey and the live-action Cinderella, but she is a natural brunette. And with her natural hair, she looks… I don’t know, like Rooney Mara and Winona Ryder had a love child. Anyway, Lily is promoting Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, a film which is currently sitting at 41% on Rotten Tomatoes. The film also bombed at the box office in its opening weekend, opening with $5.2 million. Sigh… well, at least Lily comes across pretty well in this interview.

On her current boyfriend, Matt Smith, having his photos hacked: “It was terrifying and so unfair. It makes you conscious of not doing… You shouldn’t have to censor yourself in that way. I’ve begun to think like this, and it’s really sad.”

No more classic heroines: “To be honest. I sort of don’t want to do any more classic heroines for a while.”

Feminism, equality: “I realized really early on, especially because I’m young, that people will take advantage. I’m very open, and I stupidly thought that people would be open and fair with me, but they’re not. I sort of found out the hard way.”

Whether she’s a feminist: “Of course! I don’t even understand that question.”

She would sneak out and get drunk when she went to boarding school: “Matron started breathalyzing us, so we’d suck on pennies to neutralize our mouths.”

On being approached by young fans after starring in Cinderella: “I didn’t want to break the illusion. I sort of wanted to pretend that I was Ella. They asked, ‘Where are your sisters? Is the magic real?’ Of course it’s real! Courage and kindness, courage and kindness.”

[From Town & Country]

First of all… pennies neutralize a Breathalyzer? I’ve truly never heard that before (but I don’t drive drunk, so why would I care?). So I looked it up – it’s an urban legend and it’s not true. Sucking on pennies doesn’t do anything to fool a Breathalyzer.

As for the rest of it, I think she comes across well here. When she promoted Cinderella last year, I often thought she came across as very silly and not that bright, but she seems to be rather harmless and nice here.


Photos courtesy of Vincent Peters/Town & Country.

