Megan Foxs hair started falling out in clumps, she was bawling at the salon

This story about Megan Foxs recent salon visit is the stuff my nightmares. Im very attached to my long hair and I would be mortified if this happened, so Im feeling rather sorry for a woman I would otherwise point and laugh at. Its one thing when Megan Fox gets too much tox and fillers

This story about Megan Fox’s recent salon visit is the stuff my nightmares. I’m very attached to my long hair and I would be mortified if this happened, so I’m feeling rather sorry for a woman I would otherwise point and laugh at. It’s one thing when Megan Fox gets too much ‘tox and fillers and starts to look waxy – she could have predicted that outcome. It’s another scenario when she goes for a routine dye job and starts losing clumps of hair from a chemical reaction. That’s not supposed to happen! Poor Megan was said to be “hysterically bawling” at the salon and had to make do with some extensions around her crown. First world celebrity problems, I know, but still I feel for her! It could happen to you. Let’s raise awareness of bad salon dye jobs and bitchy resting face. Megan suffers from both.

“She went to a different stylist, and they ended up using a metallic hair dye that reacted to the initial product,” an insider tells Star. “Next thing you know, her hair started falling out in clumps!” And the actress did not take it well. “She was hysterically bawling in the salon,” recalls the tipster. “I have never seen anyone so upset in my entire life! It was so sad.”

Now Megan is in agony as she waits for her hair to grow back. “She had to get extensions underneath the top layer of her hair,” the pal explains. “It’s left her terribly self-conscious and she doesn’t want anyone to know.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, June 24, 2013]

I always thought Megan Fox had extensions anyway, but maybe those crown extensions are more serious than just length extensions. I would love that fake cascading hair look, but I’m too scared to try it out and commit to it. I’ve probably told this story here before, but once a friend in college was supposed to be watching me while I did one of those asinine “ear candling” things that is complete bs and doesn’t work anyway. I put a pie tin around this burning wax cone in my ear, to catch the fall off, and still a big piece of burning material fell off in my hair. I was so pissed off at my friend! That was nothing, it was just a medium-sized chunk that my hairdresser hid for me. Can you imagine losing massive amounts of hair due to chemicals? I’m sure you brave bitches who have gone through chemo are shaking your head at this stupid story.

Megan Fox is shown on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles set in May. Credit: FameFlynet and PCNPhotos

