Are Tori Spelling & Dean McDermott headed for a $300M divorce? Tori says no

This weeks issue of Star has a cover story that alleges Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott are on the verge of divorce. Tori and Dean have four children together, and the family has featured prominently on several years of reality television. I like Tori a lot. I wasnt crazy about her during her 90210 years,

Tori Spelling

This week’s issue of Star has a cover story that alleges Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott are on the verge of divorce. Tori and Dean have four children together, and the family has featured prominently on several years of reality television. I like Tori a lot. I wasn’t crazy about her during her “90210” years, but she’s carved out a pretty lucrative career for herself in the aftermath, and I admire her for not merely living off daddy’s millions (even if he did get her started in the biz in the first place).

Anyway, this story claims that Tori and Dean have been on the rocks for awhile, and that Tori has been suspicious for years about Dean seeing other women. If that were true, I’m not sure why she’d keep making babies with him, including the last child, which she got pregnant with six weeks after giving birth to her third kid. Star also claims that Dean has been very critical of Tori’s lingering pregnancy weight this last time around, and I hope that’s not true. I mean, he has no room to talk at all. Here’s part of the story from the Mail, which Tori has already contacted to issue a denial:

Tori Spelling

Tori Spelling and her husband Dean McDermott have hit back at claims their marriage is on the brink of collapse.

The reality TV couple, who have been married since 2006 and have four children together, were reported by America’s Star magazine to be heading towards a $300million divorce amid cheating fears and his criticism of her weight.

The tabloid claims Dean, 46, is also after his 39-year-old wife and mother-in-law Candy Spelling’s fortune – estimated to be around $300million – and plans to use the couple’s four children as leverage to secure a big payout.

But a spokesperson for Tori strongly refuted the claims, telling MailOnline on Wednesday the rumours as “ridiculous and not true.”

Indeed, the couple certainly paint a blissful picture of marriage and parenthood on their reality show Tori & Dean.

Star magazine alleges Tori doesn’t trust her husband, and quotes a source as saying she fears he has “been seeing two different women for years.”

The source continues: “She’s so suspicious, she monitors his email and put a tracker on his phone. She even hired a private investigator to follow him!”

Dean is also accused of putting Tori down about her weight and the fact that his wife, who recently gave birth to their fourth child, is having trouble shifting the weight gained during her pregnancy.

“Dean told her she looks fat,” said the source. “He thinks she’s being lazy.”

[From Daily Mail]

I’ve never watched Tori’s reality show, so I have no idea what kind of personality Dean projects, but that would be pretty low of him to make fun of Tori’s weight after four pregancies, two of which were back to back. I don’t think he even has a job outside of their joint reality television stuff, so how would he even manage to sneak off and get busy with other women? I guess some guys could always manage to cheat if they really wanted to. Then again, this story doesn’t exactly allege that Dean has been cheating — just that Tori is suspicious. I think at the point where you actually hire a private investigator to follow your spouse is the point where you might as well admit you’re on the road to divorce. But I still hope this story isn’t true for the sake of their children.

As for the financial angle, we’ve heard stories before such as the 2009 Star story that said Dean didn’t sign a prenup, but Tori didn’t inherit any money from her dad anyway. Dean was supposedly livid about the omission in Aaron Spelling’s will, so I don’t know. Maybe their marriage has always been based on money, but if they’ve been doing these reality shows together, then the money would have been earned together.

Tori Spelling

Tori Spelling

Tori Spelling

Photos courtesy of Star, Fame/Flynet, and WENN

