Life & Style: Why is Angelina turning Shiloh into a boy?

Oh, God. Much like the crapfest Us Weekly story several weeks ago about Angelina repressing Shiloh by letting her dress like a tomboy, Life & Styles cover story this week is a hysterical WHY IS ANGELINA TURNING SHILOH INTO A BOY?. Life & Style breathlessly proclaims: Experts weigh in on Shilohs shocking new look and


Oh, God. Much like the crapfest Us Weekly story several weeks ago about Angelina “repressing” Shiloh by letting her dress like a tomboy, Life & Style’s cover story this week is a hysterical “WHY IS ANGELINA TURNING SHILOH INTO A BOY?”. Life & Style breathlessly proclaims: “Experts weigh in on Shiloh’s shocking new look and masculine behavior.” What is Shiloh’s new look? The little girl got a haircut. It’s a little bowl cut, like the classic “Shy Di” Princess Diana cut. And Shiloh’s “masculine behavior”? Why, Shiloh is wearing pants. And she likes to be called “John” because she loves Peter Pan. And you know what this is really all about? How Angelina is the devil. Can you believe it? It’s not “WHY IS BRAD…?” It’s about Angelina and how she just hates Shiloh and forces the little girl to dress like a boy, probably because of a vial of blood or something. That’s the rationale, I think.

When Brad Pitt was spotted in Paris on Feb. 23, it looked like he and Angelina Jolie had adopted a new child — an adorable blond boy. Instead, it was the couple’s 3-year-old daughter, Shiloh, sporting boys’ clothes and a new haircut so shockingly short it immediately ignited a firestorm of controversy.

“It’s a drastic change,” says an eyewitness. “The last time we’d seen her, her hair was longer and blonder, and she was more girlie. We were surprised Angelina dressed her so much like a little boy.”

Reaction on the Internet was far harsher and even some seen-it-all celebrity stylists were stunned by the transformation.

“Shiloh is pushing the boundaries of a tomboy look and crossing over to cross-dresser territory,” Alana Kelen, senior fashion stylist at VH1, tells Life & Style. Celebrity stylist Gili Rashal-Niv agrees. “I get that times are tough but does Angie really need to have Shiloh sharing clothes with her brothers? Hopefully we won’t be seeing Maddox in one of Shiloh’s dresses any time soon.”

It’s just the latest sign that Shiloh’s more comfortable doing traditionally boyish things. After all, Brad once said that his daughter responded only to boys’ names.

“We’ve got to call her John,” he told Oprah Winfrey, noting that when he started to ask, “Shi, do you want…” she would interrupt with “John. I’m John.” Then, Brad continued, “I’ll say, ‘John, would you like some orange juice?’ And she goes, ‘No!’”

Some parenting experts think that indulging Shiloh’s masculine behavior is a mistake.

“Little girls have never been women before,” Glenn Stanton, director of Family Formation Studies at the conservative organization Focus on the Family, tells Life & Style. “They need help, they need guidance of what that looks like. It’s important to teach our children that gender distinction is very healthy.”

But others think letting Shiloh wear what she wants is a vital part of learning to form her own identity. “Giving preschool-age children the freedom and flexibility to experiment with how they want to be seen in the world is a wonderful gift,” parenting coach Karen Deerwester, author of The Entitlement-Free Child, tells Life & Style.

[From Life & Style]

I’ll say the same thing I said with that ridiculous Us Weekly piece – just leave Shiloh alone. She’s a little tomboy, and loves her pants and her kicks and running around and being a kid. Personally, I prefer my kids like Shiloh – like, actual kids who play and run around and don’t care about getting dirty – as opposed to the Suri Cruises of the world, the perfect little anal-retentive princesses who never play and carry their own makeup bags at the age of 3.

But what this whole thing is really about is how Shiloh wearing pants and having short hair equals “lesbian”. I feel like I’m banging my head against the wall, but pants and short hair (at the age of 3 for God’s sake) don’t equal lesbian. They don’t equal lesbian at the age of 20, either. Or 40. And even if Shiloh was a little lesbian, what f-cking difference would it make? Are Brad and Angelina supposed to “force” Shiloh to grow her hair long and wear dresses just to “force” her to “act straight”? What f-cking century are we living in?

Here’s Shiloh with Brad last week:

Brad Pitt carries daughter Shiloh as they leave apartment in Venice

Here are some new photos of Angelina, Brad & the twins in Venice today… I think Brad is carrying Viv and Angie’s got Knox:

Angelina Jolie holds her son Knox as she is helped aboard a motor boat during a day off in Venice, Italy Angelina Jolie holds her son Knox as she is helped aboard a motor boat during a day off in Venice, Italy Brad Pitt carries his daughter Vivienne as he climbs aboard a motor boat in Venice, Italy

