Kim Kardashian hires a new publicist, tries to move away from momager

Fine, Ill admit it. I miss having Kim Kardashian photos on the regular. While she definitely over-saturated the market for Kardashian photos at times, its been so long since Kim has done a true pap stroll. Shes been photographed a few times here and there since giving birth, but I think shes trying to either

Fine, I’ll admit it. I miss having Kim Kardashian photos on the regular. While she definitely over-saturated the market for Kardashian photos at times, it’s been so long since Kim has done a true pap stroll. She’s been photographed a few times here and there since giving birth, but I think she’s trying to either work with exclusive photo agencies now or she truly isn’t calling the paps on herself… right now. I’m sure the old Kim will come back, of course, but I’m kind of missing the Kardashian pap strolls. I’m saying that as a gossip blogger AND as a person. I want to see more of her Beyonce-style blonde hair and I want to see more of her post-baby body.

But will we ever see Ye Olde Famewhore Kardashian again? Page Six reports this morning that Kim is maybe switching over some of her management. As far as I know, Kris Jenner is still Kim’s manager, but Page Six says Kim hired a new publicist. Interesting.

Kim Kardashian has hired a new publicist in a bid to distance herself from her family melodrama.

We’re told the new mother has moved on from PMK*BNC’s Jill Fritzo, who has tirelessly represented the entire Kardashian clan for years, to Sarah Jessica Parker ’s publicist, Slate PR co-founder Ina Treciokas. She also represents Woody Harrelson, Owen Wilson, Liev Schreiber and Justin Theroux. Treciokas’ firm also reps Jennifer Aniston.

A source tells us, “Kim wants to set herself apart from the Kardashian p.r. machine, and Kanye West advised her to build her own team.”

Fritzo, currently battling with the Lamar Odom problem, continues to represent the rest of the Kardashians.

[From Page Six]

From a purely celebrity-analysis viewpoint, Kanye telling Kim to build her own team is smart and she’s smart to follow his advice. But! I can’t imagine Kris Jenner is pleased with the idea, and when Kris isn’t happy, she will go out of her way to make her daughters miserable too. I’m just saying, Kim is about to “punished” by her mom in some way and it won’t be pretty. Perhaps if Kim was really trying to separate herself and put an A-list team in place, she should have made the move all at once.

Photos courtesy of Kim’s Instagram.

