So, lets talk about whats going to happen in the Winterfell crypt (spoilers)

SPOILERS for Game of Thrones. I went back and watched the trailers for Game of Thrones Season 8, wondering if there would be additional clues now that weve seen the first two episodes. The very first teaser was something shot specifically to be a teaser: Sansa, Arya and Jon walking through the Winterfell crypt as

Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey

SPOILERS for Game of Thrones.

I went back and watched the trailers for Game of Thrones Season 8, wondering if there would be additional clues now that we’ve seen the first two episodes. The very first teaser was something shot specifically to be a teaser: Sansa, Arya and Jon walking through the Winterfell crypt as long-dead characters’ voices speak famous lines from the show. The second trailer – with actual footage from the show – was this:

Something that struck me was the footage which is obviously from Episode 3, which will air this coming Sunday. It’s from the battle of Winterfell, and there’s a glimpse of Varys in the crypt, giving a sideeye to… something. And it also looks like Arya comes inside the main Winterfell building after already spending time fighting the undead outside. She’s running… somewhere. Which leads me to this fundamental question that’s everywhere after Episode 2: the Winterfell crypt is the BAD PLACE, right? There’s just too much foreshadowing that the crypt is SO SAFE you guys and that’s where we should put all the women and children and OMG the Night King is going to raise all of the Stark dead, isn’t he??

As Jon and Daenery’s army prepared for the fight against the White Walkers in Season 8, Episode 2 of Game of Thrones, they decided to hide those who cannot or should not fight inside the Winterfell crypts. In fact, several characters spent plenty of time going on and on about just how safe those crypts are on the show. So yeah, those crypts are probably, definitely not safe.

Many fans speculate that those very crypts could produce the evidence needed to prove Jon’s heritage: Some people think that Rhaegar’s legendary harp lies within Lyanna’s tomb. The crypts could very well be the site of Jon’s ascendency. But what role will the crypts play in that epic episode 3 fight that interrupted Danerys and Jon’s conversation? One threat seems obvious: All of the Starks are buried there, so it’s possible that if a few White Walkers could make their way into the crypts they could raise the bodies down there and bring them into their army of the undead. That means Jon Snow could face off against a zombie Ned Stark.

Some fans have even asserted that the Night King specifically bee-lined for Winterfell because he wants to raise someone specific that’s buried in the crypts. The Westerosi on the show don’t know how, exactly, men defeated the White Walkers the last time the two groups clashed during the Long Night. They only know that humans drove the White Walkers North and Bran the Builder, a Stark ancestor, erected the Wall to separate them.

According to the theory, Winter literally fell at the place where the Winterfell Castle now stands, and the castle was constructed to contain a being known as “The Great Other.” The Great Other is the Lord of Light’s opposite, a force of darkness, and he could be buried in the crypts. His presence below Winterfell might explain why the crypts are so cold when the rest of Winterfell, built on a hot spring, is warm. Starks have long been told that a Stark must always stay in Winterfell. Is that mythical lore or a literal command because if a Stark leaves Winterfell the Great Other might unleash?

[From Time]

My theory is that the Night King was/is a Stark and he knows some of the peeps in the crypt, and he finds some way to reanimate some or all of the Stark corpses. I don’t know. But I feel certain that the crypt is going to be a total disaster. I think Arya is running to the crypt because she’s figured it out and she’s going to kill some of her Stark zombie relations. I also think Varys is going to f–king die down there in the crypt. Tyrion too? Maybe. I also feel like Bran just knows how this is all going to end so I wish he would just f–king tell us g-ddamn it. It’s so clear to me that Bran COULD change the future or past so why doesn’t he??

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Photos courtesy of HBO/Game of Thrones.

